Announcing the EclipseRT Days

I am very pleased to announce the Eclipse Foundation will be hosting two EclipseRT Days in Austin and Toronto on November 17 and 19 respectively.

What is EclipseRT you ask?  EclipseRT is the name we are using to identify the Eclipse projects that are focused on delivering runtimEclipseRT_Logo_Smalle frameworks and solutions.     At the core of EclipseRT is Equinox and OSGi.  In addition, there are a number of interesting technologies that build on Equinox, like RAP, RCP, EclipseLink, Jetty, Rienna, Swordfish, eRCP, ECF, etc.

The EclipseRT Days is an opportunity for architects and senior technologist to spend a day educating themselves about EclipseRT, OSGi and in general component oriented development.  Presenting will be some of the leaders in the Equinox and EclipseRT community.  Also IBM, SpringSource and TD Canada Trust will present how they have benefited from Equinox and OSGi.

If you would like to learn more about the EclipseRT solutions, I would encourage you to attend this event.  There is no charge to attend the EclipseRT Day but you do need to pre-register for either the Austin or Toronto event.

btw, if you have an application built using Equinxo, Eclipse RCP or other EclipseRT technology and would like to present it at the event, please send me an e-mail (ian dot skerrett at eclipse dot org)

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