
Eclipse DemoCamps: Nov. 18 - 24

Tuesday, November 13, 2012 - 09:25 by EclipseWeb Web
Next weeks' DemoCamps include Bonn on Nov. 19, Dresden on Nov. 20, Toronto, Copenhagen, and Braunschweig on Nov. 21, Poznan on Nov. 22, Budapest and Pecs on Nov. 23, and Jarkata on Nov. 24.

Eclipse DemoCamps: Nov 11 - 17

Tuesday, November 6, 2012 - 10:00 by EclipseWeb Web
Next weeks' DemoCamps include Vancouver, Canada on November 13 and Hamburg, Germany on November 14.

Eclipse DemoCamps: November 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012 - 15:10 by EclipseWeb Web
The Eclipse Community is hosting Demo Camps in cities around the world during November 2012. Sign up now to attend or present at a DemoCamp in your area.

Eclipse Webinars: Learning about M2M

Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 16:38 by EclipseWeb Web
Machine-2-Machine (M2M) or the Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology area and industry that is growing very quickly, has a lot of great potential but I am not sure is understood very well by the software industry.

Eclipse Juno DemoCamps

Monday, July 2, 2012 - 16:23 by EclipseWeb Web
This weeks' camps include Dresden on July 4 and Krakow on July 5.

Eclipse Juno Release Train Has Arrived

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - 10:00 by EclipseWeb Web
As is the tradition for the end of June, the Eclipse community celebrates the release of the annual Eclipse release train, this year code-named Juno. This is the ninth year the community has shipped a release train, and each year the release gets bigger. Juno represents the work of 72 project teams by 445 open source committers on 55 million lines of code, and the participation of 40+ Eclipse member companies.

La sortie simultanée Eclipse Juno est maintenant disponible

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - 10:00 by EclipseWeb Web
Comme le veut la tradition de fin Juin, la communauté Eclipse célèbre la sortie simultanée d’Eclipse qui cette année se nomme Juno. Pour la 9ème année consécutive la communauté a mené à bon port cette version, toujours de plus en plus importante. Juno représente le travail de 72 équipes de projets impliquant 445 committers sur 55 millions de lignes de code, et la participation de plus de 40 organismes membres de la fondation Eclipse.

Eclipse M2M Industry Working Group Moves toward Open M2M Tools and Frameworks

Thursday, May 24, 2012 - 10:10 by EclipseWeb Web
The Eclipse M2M Industry Working Group (IWG) was established in November 2011 as an industry collaboration with the purpose of creating an open platform of tools and frameworks to simplify the creation of M2M and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The goal of the group is to break down the silos that often occur between M2M applications and enable interoperability among different M2M devices, M2M servers, and enterprise applications.