Community News

Happy Holidays from the Eclipse Foundation

Tuesday, December 20, 2022 - 09:17 by Jacob Harris
As 2022 draws to a close, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our contributors, committers, members, and the Eclipse Foundation team for your commitment, passion, professionalism, persistence, and tremendous contributions to our community’s success.

Securing Java for the Community

Monday, December 19, 2022 - 04:29 by Carmen Delgado

Shelley Lambert explores how Eclipse Adoptium is securing Java for the community, how the path has been so far, and what the next steps are.

Alpha-Omega Project First Year In Review, Plus New Funding Pledge

Friday, December 16, 2022 - 12:33 by Jacob Harris
With funding from the Alpha-Omega Project, the Eclipse Foundation ran Scorecards against all its projects, analyzed the results, and created a prioritized list of activities that they’ll focus on to achieve the best and broadest impact.

Eclipse Ditto™ 3.1.0 release available

Friday, December 16, 2022 - 04:44 by Thomas Jaeckle

The Eclipse Ditto teams is proud to announce the availability of Eclipse Ditto 3.1.0. Version 3.1.0 brings policy importsAMQP 1.0 message annotation supportconditional message sending and other smaller improvements, e.g. regarding shutdown/restart improvements.

Image for 
<span>Eclipse Ditto™ 3.1.0 release available</span>
 News item.

Eclipse IDE 2022-12 Release

Wednesday, December 7, 2022 - 09:00 by Anonymous (not verified)
The Eclipse IDE received its quarterly release update, featuring an improved platform, improved Maven tooling and more. Download the leading open source platform for developers today!

Simon Davidmann President & CEO of Imperas Software elected as Chair of the OpenHW Verification Task Group

Friday, December 2, 2022 - 16:10 by Michelle Clancy

 Monday, December 5, 2022

Simon Davidmann President & CEO of Imperas Software elected as Chair of the OpenHW Verification Task Group

Imperas leadership in the RISC-V Verification Ecosystem recognized in the expanded OpenHW Verification Task Group charter to lead the RISC-V community in adapting to the challenges of RISC-V processor verification

Eclipse Adoptium is becoming the leading OpenJDK-based Java runtime

Tuesday, November 29, 2022 - 08:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
Carmen Delgado, Adoptium Community Manager at the Eclipse Foundation, and Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation discuss EclipseCon, the core values of the Eclipse Foundation, and what's next for the future of supporting open source Java software.

Adoptium Welcomes Rivos

Tuesday, November 22, 2022 - 10:22 by Carmen Delgado

We are excited to announce that Rivos has joined the Adoptium Working Group and will push forward the support of RISC-V in Eclipse Temurin.