Please welcome Angelika Wittek to the openMDM Team

Tuesday, May 9, 2017 - 03:38 by Graeham Hui

Angelika Wittek has joined the openMDM Eclipse Working group just recently as the Toolkit Manager. Her responsibilities are the representation of the interests of the openMDM Steering Committee as the product owner of the openMDM toolkit. She will work with the developers in the related Eclipse projects as well as the Architecture Committee and the Quality Committee.

Her immediate activities are targeted towards overseeing the development activities in the related Eclipse projects, leading towards a release 1.0 of the openMDM toolkit.

Angelika holds a degree in computer science from the University of Würzburg. She works as an independent IT consultant, application architect and software developer with focus on web and JEE applications. She has worked for over 20 years in different industries such as electronics, finance and automotive. Anglika is also very involved in the Eclipse community. She has served in the program committee of EclipseCon Europe for many years and is one of the organizers of the Eclipse DemoCamps in Munich, Germany.

In her spare time she is interested in golf and programs her mecanum rover.

More information about the specifics of her tasks are described here.