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Register for the Eclipse Fall 2013 Training Series

The Eclipse member companies are pleased to announce the Fall 2013 Training Series. These training classes are an excellent opportunity for software developers and architects to learn more about Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP), Eclipse4 RCP, Eclipse BIRT, Building OSGI/RCP applications with Maven/Tycho and Modeling Technologies. Eclipse experts will lead the sessions, providing practical experience through classroom instruction and hands-on labs. Virtual and on-site classes in English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, and Italian have been scheduled in several countries from October 21 to November 30, 2013.

See the schedule for a complete list of courses and course descriptions.

Eclipse members participating in the training series are Actuate, Obeo, OPCoach, EclipseSource, Industrial TSI, and RCP Vision, and Committer Member Lars Vogel.

Take advantage of this excellent learning opportunity and register for an Eclipse training class today!

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