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Behind the Scenes of OCX and EclipseCon with Miro Spönemann

Monday, April 29, 2024 - 16:10 by Shanda Giacomoni

The countdown to Open Community Experience (OCX 2024) is on! The conference will take place 22-24 October in Mainz, Germany and we’re so excited to have you join us. As this is OCX’s inaugural event, we wanted to give you a behind-the-scenes look at OCX and the collocated events. 

The CFP for the main tracks and collocated events is now open through 31 May 2024 (Early Bird) and 10 June 2024 (Final deadline). Submit your proposal today.

We recently sat down with Miro Spönemann, General Manager at TypeFox and Program Committee Co-Chair for OCX and EclipseCon. Learn more about the upcoming event in our Q+A below:

What is OCX and how is it different from EclipseCon?

Miro: We're thrilled to unveil OCX as our new flagship event! In response to the perception that EclipseCon leaned heavily towards IDE topics, we've opted to shift its focus towards tooling aspects. This adjustment will see EclipseCon transformed into a collocated event within OCX. It's a move aimed at fostering a more balanced and dynamic conference experience. And of course, let's not overlook our other collocated events like Open Community for Java and Open Community for Automotive—they're integral parts of the equation too. With these changes, our goal is to ensure that every attendee finds their perfect fit and departs feeling invigorated and connected.

What’s unique about this event? 

Miro: What makes our conference truly special is our focused topics. EclipseCon still maintains its core focus on tool development, which is essential. However, with OCX, we've decided to broaden our horizons and delve into a diverse range of subjects. This format allows us to host collocated events, bringing together various communities in one place. It's a fantastic opportunity for everyone to collaborate, share ideas, and make the most out of their time and travel. While OCX shares similarities with EclipseCon, we've added exciting new areas of focus, keeping our conference fresh, innovative, and in tune with the evolving needs of our community. 

What type of talks are you looking for? What are the key qualities of a successful talk proposal?

Miro: When it comes to submitting proposals, we like to keep things open yet relevant. We want topics that are big enough to be exciting but not so niche that they only appeal to a select few people. Our goal is to encourage creativity and diverse perspectives, so when you're crafting your title and description, think broadly and let your ideas shine. 

OCX will feature the following tracks:

  • Embedded, IoT, and Edge
  • Open Technologies
  • Open Source  Security
  • Open Source and  Open Collaboration Practices

As a collocated event, EclipseCon will feature tracks on:

  • Dev Environments and Applications
  • Modelling Tools and Technologies
  • Tool Frameworks
  • Other Cool Tools

As an attendee, you're in control of your experience. Whether you're a die-hard Java enthusiast or curious about the latest in IoT and security, there's something for everyone. With different ticket options, you can focus on what interests you most or branch out and explore new areas. Our conference is all about bringing people together, sharing knowledge, and sparking inspiration. 

How does the conference facilitate collaboration among participants?

Miro: At our new venue, we've strategically restructured the layout to facilitate meaningful interactions and collaboration. With multiple buildings, attendees have ample opportunities to connect with sponsors, including our esteemed longtime supporters, and engage in productive discussions over shared lunches. Regardless of your initial reason for attending – be it for talks, workshops, or networking – our venue provides a conducive environment for professional dialogue and potential collaborations to unfold. So, come prepared to leverage these networking opportunities and make the most of your conference experience.


Miro and the other members of the program committee will be working hard to create an informative and engaging program for the open source community. Submit your talk to be part of the first OCX.