The Eclipse Ditto teams is proud to announce the availability of Eclipse Ditto 3.1.0.

Version 3.1.0 brings policy imports, AMQP 1.0 message annotation support, conditional message sending and other smaller improvements, e.g. regarding shutdown/restart improvements.


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The main improvements and additions of Ditto 3.1.0 are:

  • Conditional message processing based on a specified condition targeting the twin state
  • Support for reading/writing AMQP 1.0 “Message annotations” in Ditto managed connections
  • Policy imports: Reference other policies from policies, enabling reuse of policy entries
  • Several Ditto explorer UI enhancements
  • Support for configuring an audience for Ditto managed HTTP connections performing OAuth2.0 based authentication

The following non-functional enhancements are also included:

  • End-2-End graceful shutdown support, enabling a smoother restart of Ditto services with less user impact
  • Support for encryption/decryption of secrets (e.g. passwords) part of the Ditto managed connections before persisting to the database
  • IPv6 support for blocked subnet validation

The following notable fixes are included:

  • Fixing that known connections were not immediately started after connectivity service restart

Please have a look at the 3.1.0 release notes for a more detailed information on the release.


The new Java artifacts have been published at the Eclipse Maven repository as well as Maven central.

The Ditto JavaScript client release was published on

The Docker images have been pushed to Docker Hub:


The Eclipse Ditto team