Eclipse IoT Day @ Thingmonk

One of my favourite IoT events is the Thingmonk conference produced by Redmonk. The speakers and attendees are always amazing and provide great insight into the IoT community in the UK and Europe.   This year the speaker line-up for Thingmonk is looking awesome so I expect to learn lots again this year.

A new addition for Thingmonk this year is that we are organizing an Eclipse IoT Day @ Thingmonk on Day 0. We are planning an equally awesome line-up of speakers that will showcase how open source and Eclipse IoT has changing the IoT industry. The Eclipse IoT Day speaker will include:

  • Kamil Baczkowicz from DeltaRail will be talking about their experiences of using MQTT and Eclipse IoT for building signal-control systems for railways. This will be real IoT in action!
  • Patrizia Gufler from IBM Watson will showcase her work for integrating Eclipse Kura with IBM Watson.
  • Kai Hudalla from Bosch will continue an IoT cloud theme in his talk about an Open IoT stack for IoT@cloud-scale.
  • Our very own Benjamin Cabe will also be talking about the Eclipse IoT open strategy.

We plan to announce a few more speakers over the next couple of weeks. It should be pretty awesome.

After the Eclipse IoT Day, will be the Thingmonk HackDay. I fully expect to see further hacks on integrating Eclipse Kura with IBM Watson, Eclipse IoT running on Cloud Foundry and IBM Watson, and I am sure Benjamin will bring along some new boards.

This is going to be a great way to kick-off Thingmonk. Eclipse IoT Day @ Thingmonk is September 12 and Thingmonk is September 13-14. The costs for Eclipse IoT Day is £50.00 . You will want to stay for the full 3 days and that costs only £200.00.  This is a great event that you won’t want to miss.

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