Wednesday, July 31, 2024 - 07:00
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The value of data for companies, organisations, and public administrations has grown significantly over the past decade, reshaping production, consumption, and lifestyles. Data powers innovations like real-time navigation, personalised medicine, precision farming, and CO2 emission reductions. Data sharing in ecosystems offers new opportunities for optimising processes, creating products, and developing business models. However, data exchange and monetisation are still emerging fields.

The concept of Data Spaces is gaining global interest, promising to advance data exchange and monetisation by providing secure environments for data sharing. Data Spaces will enhance collaboration and improve data discoverability, accessibility, and reusability, while ensuring interoperability. Challenges include privacy preservation, interoperability, trustworthiness, data value, governance, and legal compliance. Key issues also involve data and ICT infrastructure interoperability, data sovereignty, and trust.

Various emerging architectures, technologies, methodologies, and initiatives are being developed to establish these ecosystems based on common standards. This includes data connectors, privacy techniques, vocabularies, metadata catalogues, and data sovereignty frameworks. The Eclipse SAAM on Data Spaces conference on October 22, 2024, will showcase research and work from industry stakeholders, standardisation bodies, and open source initiatives.

The fourth eSAAM Conference 2024 is organised by the Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI), the University of Macedonia (UoM), the Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) and the Eclipse Foundation. The 4th edition of our eSAAM (Eclipse Security, AI, Architecture, and Modelling) will be held in conjunction with OCX24 (formerly EclipseCon) event that brings together all Eclipse Foundation communities in Mainz, Germany, during the week of October 22-24. On the day of the conference 14 papers will delve into the topic of data spaces on security, strategy, architecture and use case scenarios.