Monday, September 30, 2024 - 04:44
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We're proud to have a great list of sponsors for the inaugural edition of Open Community Experience. Be sure to stop by their booths to learn how they are involved in our open source community. Find out what our diamond sponsor, Huawei, has planned for the conference below:

OCX Sponsors 2024 Aug - ocx sponsors - newsletter group FINAL

Over the past number of years, Huawei has really enjoyed participating at EclipseCon events at the Forum am Schlosspark in Ludwigsburg and even virtually during the challenging COVID-19 era. During this time, we have witnessed first hand both the Eclipse Foundation and EclipseCon’s amazing growth. We are now very excited to see EclipseCon expand to even greater heights with the new look Open Community Experience (OCX) 2024 event in Mainz. This October, at the OCX 2024, Huawei is delighted to participate as a Diamond Sponsor at this first edition of what promises to be an exhilarating event.

Huawei is a proud contributor within the Eclipse Foundation Working Groups, projects and community. This year at OCX 2024 we would like to invite you to visit our booth, where we have an eager team to share some of these contribution highlights and who will want to explore further collaborations with the community. At the forefront of these contributions are two projects, Eclipse Oniro (with associated Oniro Working Group) and Eclipse Xpanse (an Open Services Cloud project). Come meet with the team to explore hands-on demos, and learn more about the integration of Oniro with OpenHarmony and how the Eclipse Xpanse project enables the development of native cloud managed services designed to be fully portable across cloud implementations, for an open and fair cloud market.

The Eclipse Oniro project will be showcased through a series of sessions and presentations highlighting its latest developments and future plans. As a project governed by the Eclipse Foundation in Europe, Oniro is at the forefront of building a global, interoperable ecosystem in collaboration with OpenHarmony, an open source operating system governed by the OpenAtom Foundation in China. These two foundations are connecting open source communities from around the world. This was evident at the ‘Think Global Code Local’ workshop held together in Shenzhen recently, and a similar event will be held at OCX in Mainz with an Oniro-OpenHarmony Birds of a Feather event.

Key Oniro presentations at OCX will include Haibo Chen from Huawei, Founding Chair of OpenHarmony Technical Steering Committee who will deliver a keynote titled “Empowering a Connected Intelligent World With Oniro and OpenHarmony.” This talk will explore how Oniro and OpenHarmony are advancing innovation in intelligent, connected devices. Juan Rico from the Eclipse Foundation will address “Cooperation Between Two OS Foundations to Build a Global Interoperable Ecosystem,” which highlights how the Eclipse Foundation and OpenAtom Foundation are working together to create a unified open source environment for these two projects to flourish. Przemyslaw Sosna from Software Mansion will discuss “Bringing Cross-Platform Graphical Applications to the Oniro Ecosystem Through React-Native,” focusing on the integration of graphical applications into Oniro. Alberto Pianon from Array and Liang Gao from Huawei will provide insights on “Collaborative Approaches to Licence Compliance: Oniro and OpenHarmony Compliance Toolchain,” focusing on strategies to manage open source compliance across regions.

Don’t miss the Oniro-OpenHarmony Birds of a Feather event, an informal evening gathering where both communities’ members and partners will present the technologies driving Oniro & OpenHarmony, their real-world applications, and their impact on the global tech ecosystem. This event perfectly aligns with our Oniro motto: “Think Global, Code Local,” reflecting our commitment to uniting open source communities under the governance of both the Eclipse Foundation and the OpenAtom Foundation. Please join us to see how Oniro & OpenHarmomy are building a truly global, interoperable ecosystem. 

On the same lines of providing an overview of real projects impacting real life scenarios, we’ll be happy to showcase what the Eclipse Xpanse project is doing to actualise the vision of an Open Service Cloud. A study from Eclipse Foundation from last year showed that more than 88% of the Cloud market in Europe is held by only three companies. The Open Service Cloud vision as outlined within this report can help address this situation. The Eclipse Xpanse project is an example of technical implementation that supports this vision for the benefit of a fairer more distributed Cloud market.

At OCX 2024 we will be discussing how the Eclipse Xpanse project is enabling the possibility to overcome the status quo, allowing anyone to create native, portable, managed cloud services. This will address the problem of software providers being locked out from creating managed cloud services across clouds. It will also address how users are being locked into proprietary managed services from cloud services providers by instead having greater choice in the type of managed services they use. 

During the OCX Talk “Eclipse Xpanse – Portable Managed Services to drive Cloud Autonomy” held by Swaroop Raghupathy and Marco D’Angelo we’ll present the foundational ideas of Open Services Cloud and how Eclipse Xpanse implements them, alongside the architecture, component and the Service Description Language created to define the services. Service lifecycle management, deployment and configuration of service instances, service instance life cycle management will also be part of the technical drill down on the service.

Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with the Xpanse and OSC team at the Huawei booth for technical presentations and demos to see how the solution is designed and implemented to provide features such as service description language, plug-ins to integrate with the underlying infrastructure, service catalogue management, and many others. We’ll also take a look at the future of the project and how everyone can collaborate to drive its success and support the vision for an Open and competitive Cloud in Europe.

In summary, we at Huawei are extremely excited to participate in OCX 2024 this year. From Keynote, to Talks, to Booth and to BoFs, there will be many opportunities to engage with our onsite team. We also look forward to attending the many other Eclipse Community Talks at OCX and hopefully we will find a chance to meet during the social parts of the event also.

We look forward to seeing you at OCX 2024!