cloud devtools

Cloud IDE Days 2022

Cloud IDE Days 2022 is our second annual virtual event for IDE developers, with an emphasis on tools and best practices for development in the cloud. The objective of this event is to openly discuss and share ideas around Cloud IDEs and cloud development. Cloud IDE Days is open to anyone interested in adopting or currently building Cloud IDEs.


Internationalization in Eclipse Theia

Friday, December 17, 2021 - 13:29 by Jacob Harris
Internationalization (i18n) aims to provide the necessary infrastructure in an application to translate it into different languages/locales. It has been a frequently requested feature for Theia, especially considering that most modern software supports different locales in one way or another. C/C++ Tooling in the Web/Cloud

Friday, November 26, 2021 - 08:52 by Jacob Harris
Are you looking to build a custom C/C++ tool using modern technologies? Do you have an existing Eclipse CDT-based toolchain and are looking for a migration path to the cloud?

What Cloud Developers Want - Blog Post

Friday, October 22, 2021 - 13:06 by Jacob Harris
The results of our first-ever Cloud Developer Survey are in, providing important insight into the development tools being used today, the role of open source, and the capabilities developers are looking for in next generation cloud-based tools and IDEs.

Diagram Editors for Web-based Tools with Eclipse GLSP

Wednesday, September 15, 2021 - 13:57 by Jacob Harris
In this article, Cloud DevTools community manager Brian King introduces the Eclipse Graphical Language Server Platform (GLSP), a technology to efficiently build diagram editors for web- and cloud-based tools.