Jakarta EE

Jakarta EE: Why and how to get involved in Open Source Software?

Success of any open source project comes with strong community involvement excited about the technology advancement. In this session I will highlight multiple reasons why you should get involved in open source software, how it can benefit individual contributors, management and the business. I will provide you with key insights into the industry-wide, open source collaboration by creating a vibrant community with a mutual goal to modernize Java enterprise via Jakarta EE and Eclipse Foundation.

Payara Cloud & Jakarta EE Hackathon

Build an app with Jakarta EE 10 and Payara Cloud for a chance to win £3,000 in prize money for the winner, with £2,000 and £1,000 prizes for runners up.

Join us in shaping the future at our “Innovating for a Sustainable Future with Jakarta EE” Hackathon. This is your invitation to dive into the world of development with a cause, using Jakarta EE to craft solutions that pave the way for a greener, more sustainable world.

Jakarta EE: Powering Mass Productivity in Enterprise Java Development

Join Payara's interactive roundtable webinar, "Jakarta EE: Powering Mass Productivity in Enterprise Java Development," focused on uncovering the productivity benefits Jakarta EE offers to enterprise Java developers like you. This session is designed for developers, architects, and tech enthusiasts who are looking to boost efficiency in Java enterprise application development.

From IDE To The Cloud - Easy Jakarta EE Deployments With Payara Cloud

Join us to explore how you can automate your deployment workflow right from your IDE, through GitHub, and onto Payara Cloud. We will walk you through the essential steps and best practices to set up a GitHub pipeline, which will automatically deploy your Jakarta EE applications to Payara Cloud, ensuring a streamlined delivery process and reducing manual deployment hassles.

New Survey: How Do Developers Feel About Enterprise Java in 2023?

Tuesday, September 19, 2023 - 10:39 by Jacob Harris

For the sixth year in a row, we’ve reached out to the enterprise Java community to ask about their preferences and priorities for cloud native Java architectures, technologies, and tools, their perceptions of the cloud native application industry, and more.