
Capella Webinar in German - Der lange Weg vom Angebot zum Projekt unterstützt durch Capella

Der Vortrag zeigt den "langen Weg" vom Angebotsmodell zum einem Projektmodell in Capella®. Neben Fragen wie "Was kann aus dem Angebotsmodell wiederverwendet werden?" oder "Wie können wir die Anzahl der Systemarchitekten, die an dem Projekt arbeiten, schnell erhöhen?", werden auch einige der Fallstricke auf diesem Weg präsentiert.


Capella Days 2022

Capella Days regularly brings together the community of Capella and Arcadia: creators of this innovative systems engineering solution, providers of Capella add-ons and services, MBSE experts and industrial users.

Capella Days is your opportunity to learn from Capella ecosystem members! Benefit from the experience of industrial adopters who have sucessfully deployed an MBSE approach with Arcadia and Capella on their projects.

Check out the program with 9 talks.

Capella Webinar - Simulation with Python and Matlab in Capella

A common need in system architecture design is to verify that if the architect is correct and can satisfy its requirements. Execution of system architect model means to interact with state machines to test system’s control logic. It can verify if the logical sequences of functions and interfaces in different scenarios are desired. However, only sequence itself is not enough to verify its consequence or output. So we need each function to do what it is supposed to do during model execution to verify its output, and that is what we called “simulation”.

Capella Days 2021

Capella Days is your opportunity to learn from Capella ecosystem members! After a great 2020 edition, Capella Days is coming back in November 2021. This year, the program will include an initial 2-hour warm-up session, on November 15, at 4:00 PM. This session will introduce Arcadia, Capella and the NASA Systems Engineering Handbook applied on an educational use-case: the HUBBLE Space Telescope.