Eclipse Press Releases

La Fondation Eclipse rejoint la Société informatique de France

Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 09:36 by Jacob Harris
La Fondation Eclipse annonce aujourd’hui avoir rejoint la Société Informatique de France afin de collaborer à une démarche commune qui vise à rassembler toutes celles et ceux pour qui faire progresser l’informatique est un métier ou une passion.

OmniFish announces enterprise support for Eclipse GlassFish, Jakarta EE 10, and a new cloud‑native Jakarta EE runtime

Thursday, September 22, 2022 - 13:41 by Ondro Mihalyi

OmniFish are proud to announce they’ve established themselves as a new international company in the field of Jakarta EE support, specifically supporting the application server Eclipse GlassFish, a new cloud‑native Jakarta EE runtime Piranha Cloud, and their associated components such as Mojarra, the Jakarta Faces implementation. 

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<span>OmniFish announces enterprise support for Eclipse GlassFish, Jakarta EE 10, and a new cloud‑native Jakarta EE runtime</span>
 News item.