Eclipse News

Eclipse Community Survey Shows Open Source Dev Trends

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 - 17:07 by Christopher567…
The Eclipse Foundation study compiled responses from 1,696 developers and provides insights into current open source development practices. Among the findings in the Eclipse report is that developers are increasingly turning to Linux as a platform for both deployment and development.

Emergency Simulation Solutions Delivered in Record Time With Eclipse

Monday, June 7, 2010 - 12:20 by Christopher567…
Emergency management is one of the most difficult occupations that exists, where there are no second chances and no room for error. Emergency management simulation has become one of the most popular methods of preparing decision makers for various scenarios they may face in the real world. Within the Texas Engineering Experiment Station, which is the official engineering research agency of the state of Texas, there exists a research center that turns fundamental research into real technological solutions.

Join the Helios in Action Virtual Conference

Friday, June 4, 2010 - 14:55 by Christopher567…
On June 24, the Eclipse Foundation is presenting Helios In Action - a virtual conference where you can interact with project leads involved in the release and see demos of the new features. The annual simultaneous release has now grown to 39 projects with over 33 million lines of code, contributed by committers around the world. With such a large global community, Eclipse wants to bring Helios to you! See the Helios in Action page for more details and to register.

Eclipse Embedded Day in Stuttgart

Friday, June 4, 2010 - 14:45 by Christopher567…

MicroDoc and the Eclipse Foundation are pleased to announce Eclipse Embedded Day in Stuttgart, which takes place June 24, 2010.

Eclipse Embedded Day is a day-long event for senior technical developers, architects and technical managers in the automotive, consumer electronic, medical, mobile and telematics industries to learn how to better leverage Eclipse technology and the Eclipse community as part of their development strategy.

Eclipse Helios RC3 Packages Now Available for Testing

Friday, June 4, 2010 - 12:49 by Christopher567…
The Eclipse Helios RC3 Packages are now available for download and testing. Please help the community by providing testing feedback on your favourite package. Final Helios release will be available June 23, 2010.

Instantiations Releases GWT Designer v7.5

Friday, May 21, 2010 - 15:24 by Christopher567…
Instantiations, Inc., a leading provider of Eclipse-based commercial software tools and services to improve software code quality, security and productivity, today announced at Google I/O an upgrade to its popular GWT Designer GUI creation tool to version 7.5. GWT Designer v7.5 adds new widget kit support for Smart GWT, plus enhanced support for the Ext GWT (GXT) Rich Internet Application Java library.

Wanted: 360 Friends of Helios

Monday, May 17, 2010 - 12:34 by Christopher567…
To celebrate the upcoming Helios release, the Eclipse Foundation has launched a new campaign to recruit 360 new Friends of Eclipse. Please consider joining now and help support the Eclipse community.

New Plug-in Enables Export Of RCP Products To Native Code

Monday, May 17, 2010 - 09:42 by Christopher567…
If you have ever used the Eclipse Product Export wizard to export your RCP application into a directory or zip archive, you will master the Eclipse plug-in for Excelsior JET in no time. Beside exporting to a directory, it enables you to create a full featured installer for your RCP app in just a few mouse clicks. But the main advantage is that the exported application does not contain the easy-to-hack jar files, so you can deploy it in a secure manner.

Eclipse Labs project hosting announced

Friday, May 14, 2010 - 11:17 by Christopher567…
In conjunction with Google, Eclipse Labs hosts a Google Project Hosting instance at The goal is to allow anyone interested in writing Eclipse plug-ins (or OSGi bundles) a common place to host open-source code, rather than being distributed across many code providers. Naturally, the default licence is the EPL, but other open-source licences can be chosen from the project creation; though it's worth noting that the GPL is incompatible with non-GPL plug-in systems – which explains why there aren't any GPL based Eclipse or OGSi bundles.

Introducing Eclipse Labs

Thursday, May 13, 2010 - 15:00 by Christopher567…
The Eclipse Foundation, in collaboration with Google, is pleased to announce Eclipse Labs, a new place to host open source projects based on Eclipse. Eclipse Labs provides the infrastructure services typically required by open source projects, such as code repositories, bug tracking, project web sites/wiki. This new service is hosted by Project Hosting on Google Code, so it will be very familiar to developers already using Google Code Project Hosting.

Bosch Group joins the Eclipse Foundation

Friday, May 7, 2010 - 12:15 by Christopher567…
The Bosch Group, based in Stuttgart Germany, has joined the Eclipse Foundation as a Solutions Member. Bosch is a leading automotive technology and service provider and works with consumer goods, as well as industrial and building technology.

Celebrate Helios at an Eclipse DemoCamp

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 - 16:48 by Christopher567…
Members of the Eclipse community will be celebrating the Helios release at DemoCamps around the world from the last week of May until June 30. Typically a DemoCamp consists of a series of short demos and presentations from developers building new and interesting solutions with Eclipse. It is a great way to discover and learn about new Eclipse technology. There is also lots of time for informal conversation and networking, so DemoCamps are a great way to connect with colleagues and friends.

Chris Aniszczyk: 'e4 can be thought of essentially as RCP 2.0'

Monday, May 3, 2010 - 15:21 by Christopher567…
Eclipse has come a long way since its beginnings as a Java IDE, and recently there has been a surge in interest in Eclipse as a runtime technology. JAXenter caught up with Chris Aniszczyk, moderator of the Eclipse Platform Day at JAX 2010, to ask him why Eclipse is becoming so popular as a runtime technology, and what impact e4 and OSGi are having on the community.

Replay Solutions Launches First Ever Hosted Record/Replay Solution for Enterprise Java and Cloud Application Teams

Thursday, April 29, 2010 - 11:13 by Christopher567…
Replay Solutions (, a pioneer in application lifecycle, software debugging and problem resolution technology, today announced a hosted version of ReplayDIRECTOR™, the company's patented DVR-like solution for security issues, performance problems and application defects. Replay Solutions revolutionary “record and replay� technology allows users to identify, reproduce and fix software defects in minutes.

Eclipse Foundation pushes deeper into SOA

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - 14:23 by Christopher567…
The Eclipse Foundation announced the creation of a new SOA Industry Working Group, intended to define the foundation’s common Equinox-based SOA platform. As Eclipse puts it, “a common platform will enhance the interoperability between different vendor solutions and provide a technology platform for new projects that address future SOA customer requirements.�

Eclipse Announces New SOA Initiative

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 10:10 by Christopher567…
The Eclipse Foundation is pleased to announce the creation of a new SOA Industry Working Group. The working group is a collaboration of industry players, including Engineering Group, itemis, Obeo and Sopera.