Eclipse News

Tasktop Autumn 2008: Linux and Firefox

Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 10:15 by Christopher567…
The Tasktop Team is very pleased to announce the Autumn 2008 release of Tasktop (v1.3). In addition to the new features that our users are accustomed to getting once per season, we are very pleased to announce a Linux version. The other big news is that Firefox users now get automatic session restore for each task, bug and issue that they work on.

MyEclipse Delivers New Life for Eclipse Europa Users

Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 10:14 by Christopher567…
Genuitec announced today the immediate availability of MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 6.6. This release is focused on increased support and choice for customers standardized on Eclipse Europa (Eclipse 3.3).

Reminder: Register for Eclipse Banking Day in NYC

Monday, November 10, 2008 - 14:00 by Christopher567…
Remember to register for Eclipse Banking Day in NYC on December 9, 2008. This is a day-long event for senior technical developers, architects and managers in the finance industry to learn how to better leverage Eclipse technology and the Eclipse community as part of their development strategy. Attendees will have the chance to hear speakers from Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan, RBC Capital and UBS plus experts from the Eclipse community. Attendees must be employees or contractors of a financial institution. There is no cost to attend but pre-registration is required.

Higgins Project: Seeking identity management without Microsoft restrictions

Monday, November 3, 2008 - 09:10 by Christopher567…
Digital identity and digital identity management are key aspects of security for both home and corporate users. The capacity to validate identity and the ability to securely perform transactions online form the basis of consumer and business-to-business interactions. Without a valid digital identity and a mechanism to securely store, manage and transmit that identity, there can be no trust between transacting entities.

Breaking Market Barriers: The Open Source Business Strategy (PDF)

Monday, October 27, 2008 - 10:47 by Christopher567…
When investors see the margins on BIRT-related sales, the brand awareness, the new industries and geographic markets we’ve opened, and the compelling prospect of future growth, they are very impressed.

EclipseCon 2009 Call for Participation

Friday, October 24, 2008 - 05:58 by Christopher567…
The Eclipse Foundation is inviting all members of the community to submit ideas for tutorials, long talks, short talks, posters and birds of a feather sessions for EclipseCon 2009. The categories for submission this year include Runtime, C/C++, Tools, Mobile and Embedded, Modeling, Reporting, SOA, Test & Performance, Emerging Technology, and Business and Industry Verticals.

RIM Reaches Out to Java Jocks

Thursday, October 23, 2008 - 16:25 by Christopher567…
The complete developer tool update includes a new public beta of the BlackBerry JDE plug-in for Eclipse, new releases of the BlackBerry plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio, the BlackBerry MDS Studio and Plazmic Content Developer's Kit for the BlackBerry platform.

SDK shoot-out: Android vs. iPhone

Thursday, October 23, 2008 - 10:30 by Christopher567…
The standard IDE for Android, on the other hand, is Eclipse, which has seemingly become the de facto development environment for just about every platform other than Mac OS X and Windows. Google provides a plug-in that does a good job of integrating the Android tools with Eclipse, including a software emulator to test builds of your apps.

Symbian Foundation: To EPL or Not to EPL?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 14:00 by Christopher567…
By choosing the Eclipse Public License as the license for the software to come out of the Symbian Foundation, the group takes a road safely chosen. The Eclipse Foundation welcomes the foundation’s support. But what about the GPL?

RIM Updates BlackBerry Developer Tools

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 11:15 by Christopher567…
Research In Motion (RIM) today announced new versions of various BlackBerry developer tools that further support innovative, streamlined mobile application development for BlackBerry(R) smartphones. The developer tool updates include a new public beta of the BlackBerry(R) JDE(R) Plug-in for Eclipse, as well as new releases of the BlackBerry(R) Plug-in for Microsoft(R) Visual Studio(R), BlackBerry(R) MDS Studio, and Plazmic Content Developer's Kit(TM) for the BlackBerry platform.

Announcing Eclipse Banking Day in NYC

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 02:45 by Christopher567…
The Eclipse Foundation is pleased to announce a new event, called Eclipse Banking Day in NYC, on December 9, 2008 in New York City.

Symbian releases free application development tool

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 - 16:30 by Christopher567…
Symbian released a free tool on Tuesday that lets developers see how their code performs on the mobile operating system.

The Symbian Analysis Workbench (SAW) is a prepackaged set of Eclipse-based tools for optimizing Symbian C++ code, according to the company, which is in the process of being acquired by Nokia.

Instantiations Doubles Security Audit Rules with CodePro AnalytiX Upgrade

Friday, October 17, 2008 - 11:15 by Christopher567…
Instantiations, Inc., a leading provider of Eclipse-based commercial software solutions to improve software quality and productivity, today announced an upgrade to its comprehensive code quality product, CodePro AnalytiX. Through intense automation of audits, metrics, and best practices, CodePro AnalytiX ensures superior software quality and maximum developer productivity throughout the entire code development cycle.

Eclipse offers mobile dev tools

Thursday, October 16, 2008 - 11:38 by Christopher567…
Seeking to establish Eclipse as the standard mobile development platform, the Eclipse Foundation on Wednesday is offering the first major release of its Eclipse Mobile Tools for Java Project (MTJ).
MTJ is a set of plug-ins for the Eclipse IDE offering capabilities for developing embedded or Java ME (Micro Edition) applications, said Christian Kurzke, project lead for MTJ and a developer tools architect at Motorola. "It's a set of tools on top of Eclipse that makes it much easier to develop mobile apps," Kurzke said.

Microsoft co-sponsors Eclipse project for Silverlight

Thursday, October 16, 2008 - 11:37 by Christopher567…
Microsoft is throwing its support behind the creation of an Eclipse project to integrate the IDE with Silverlight technology.
The proposed project, Silverlight Development Toolkit (SLDT), was submitted by open-source solution developer Soyatec and is being co-sponsored by Microsoft. The project objective is to foster cross-platform Silverlight development with Eclipse.

Eclipse Tools for Microsoft Silverlight

Thursday, October 16, 2008 - 11:35 by Christopher567…
Soyatec announces the launch of an Open Source project Eclipse Tools for Microsoft Silverlight, with technical and financial help from Microsoft, and the donation of one Visual Editor component used in eFace to this project.

Eclipse Mobile Tools for Java Reaches 0.9

Thursday, October 16, 2008 - 11:30 by Christopher567…
The Eclipse Foundation officially released version 0.9 of its Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ) project. This version subsumes the previously separate EclipseME project, officials said.
MTJ’s code is designed to simplify life for software vendors who target devices from companies like Motorola, Nokia and Sony Ericsson, using those companies’ software development kits, said project leader Christian Kurzke, a developer tools architect at Motorola.

Attend an Eclipse DemoCamp and Connect with the Community

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 19:00 by Christopher567…
During November 2008, the Eclipse Foundation is inviting individuals to attend DemoCamps around the world. The Eclipse DemoCamps are an opportunity to showcase all of the cool, interesting technology being built by the community. They are also an opportunity for you to meet Eclipse enthusiasts in your city.