Eclipse News

Eclipse framework overshadowing proprietary embedded tools

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 11:00 by EclipseWeb Web
A gradual shift that has been under way for years may now be on the verge of moving the embedded-tool industry from proprietary to open-source architectures. Recent product announcements and new project initiatives indicate that the Eclipse Framework is spilling over from its IT origins to become a dominant factor in the embedded space. It may still take a few years to solidify its position, but Eclipse appears to be on the way to overshadowing proprietary embedded tool chains.

Hundreds of Developers Enter Skyway Software’s Developer Contest

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 11:00 by EclipseWeb Web
Skyway Software, the experts in simplifying software delivery, announces today that hundreds of developers have joined the Skyway Community and taken the first participatory step in the Skyway Cup 2008 developer contest. The Skyway Cup will showcase how Skyway Community members use Skyway Builder Community Edition (CE), a model-centric JEE development tool, to serve their specific needs in the following categories:

Make yourself known in our Ganymede Around the World Contest

Friday, June 6, 2008 - 15:45 by EclipseWeb Web
We want to hear how you're using the Eclipse projects in the Ganymede release. Write a blog post, create a screencast/video, or record a podcast telling the world what's great or what you dislike about Ganymede. For your efforts, we'll send you an Eclipse shirt.

Umfrage: Open Source in Unternehmen auf dem Vormarsch

Thursday, June 5, 2008 - 12:50 by EclipseWeb Web
Nach einer Umfrage, die das amerikanische CIO-Magazin unter 328 IT-Verantwortlichen durchgeführt hat, setzen bereits über die Hälfte der Unternehmen (53 Prozent) Open-Source-Software ein. Weitere zehn Prozent planen die Einführung in den nächsten zwölf Monaten. Populär sind vor allem freie Betriebssysteme (78 Prozent der Open-Source-Anwender), Infrastruktur-Anwendungen wie Webserver und Datenbanken (74 Prozent) und Entwicklertools wie Eclipse (61 Prozent).

Embed the NASA World Wind Java SDK in Eclipse

Wednesday, June 4, 2008 - 11:01 by EclipseWeb Web
The open source World Wind Java (WWJ) SDK by NASA creates new possibilities for the open Geographic Information Systems (GIS) community. World Wind, a 3D interactive world viewer written in the Javaâ„¢ language and OpenGL, lets users zoom from outer space into any place on Earth. This article explains how GIS developers who want to enhance their Eclipse-based applications can embed the WWJ SDK as an Eclipse plug-in.

Developing iPhone applications using Ruby on Rails and Eclipse, Part 1:

Wednesday, June 4, 2008 - 11:00 by EclipseWeb Web
The iPhone and iPod touch made Mobile Safari the most popular mobile browser in the United States. Although Mobile Safari is more than adequate at rendering normal Web pages, many Web developers created versions of applications aimed at the iPhone. This "Developing iPhone applications using Ruby on Rails and Eclipse" series shows how to use Ruby On Rails on the server side to identify and serve custom content to Mobile Safari.

We Are Doing So Much More Than Just Java Tools: Milinkovich

Tuesday, June 3, 2008 - 15:30 by EclipseWeb Web
"We continue to struggle a bit with what developers think "Eclipse" means. They have heard of it, but they believe that we are entirely focused on Java tools when in fact we are doing so much more," says Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation, in this exclusive Q&A with Jeremy Geelan. "Our goals at Eclipse are to create an industrial-strength open source development platform that spans extensible tools, frameworks and runtimes," Milinkovich adds.

Using the open-source model for IT development

Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 18:20 by EclipseWeb Web
For instance, the Eclipse Foundation has a well-established IP management system. All participants in the Eclipse community sign the same exact agreement and follow the same IP processes. All Eclipse open-source project committers sign a "committer agreement" that specifies that their contribution is licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL). All source code that is contributed to Eclipse projects is automatically scanned to ensure that all of the code is licensed under the EPL or a compatible open-source license.

E4 summit

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 - 11:00 by EclipseWeb Web
With only a few weeks to go until Ganymede is released, already the sights are set on the future of Eclipse, referred to as E4. A recent E4 Summit debated the future goals and directions of where Eclipse is going in the future. InfoQ previously covered the scope of E4, but now it's starting to get more concrete. At this point, the E4 name is more of a code-name than a planned version number; and Eclipse 3.4 may be succeeded by 3.5 next year before E4 makes an appearance.

Eclipse Summit Europe Call for Papers Now Open

Monday, May 26, 2008 - 12:30 by EclipseWeb Web
The Eclipse Foundation is pleased to announce the 3rd annual Eclipse Summit Europe on November 19-20, 2008, in Ludwigsburg, Germany. The Eclipse Summit is the Foundation’s premier event designed to create opportunities for the European Eclipse community to explore, share, and collaborate on the latest ideas and information about Eclipse and its members.

Eclipse Summit Europe Vorschläge für Konferenzbeiträge können jetzt eingereicht werden

Monday, May 26, 2008 - 12:29 by EclipseWeb Web
ie Eclipse Foundation veranstaltet vom 19. – 20. November 2008 ihren dritten Europa-Jahresgipfel, den „Eclipse Summit“, in Ludwigburg. Die Konferenz stellt den bedeutendsten Event für die europäische Eclipse Community dar. Hier erhalten die Teilnehmer die aktuellsten Informationen über die Eclipse Technologie, die Eclipse Foundation und deren Mitglieder, können sich austauschen sowie Kontakte für Kooperationen knüpfen.

Introducing EBERT

Friday, May 16, 2008 - 16:00 by EclipseWeb Web
I blogged last week about an example application that I’ve been building. Building good examples is pretty hard: you want an example to be simple enough to understand. At the same time, it has to be real enough to useful and expose real issues. I think that this application strikes a reasonable balance. The Eclipse Business Expense Reporting and Tracking (EBERT) application is a relatively small, but provides a valuable service. At least as a business traveler who has to work with Excel-based expense forms, it’s valuable to me.

SkiData uses Equinox to Keep Crowds Moving

Thursday, May 15, 2008 - 18:20 by EclipseWeb Web
While SkiData found Equinox a graceful environment, the move to a whole new development platform on a tight schedule was a challenge in itself. They were able to hire a professional development firm, MicroDoc GmbH of Munich, Germany, to provide Java, Equinox and Eclipse expertise while they focused their domain knowledge on business logic.

EclipseDay At Googleplex - Register Today

Thursday, May 15, 2008 - 11:30 by EclipseWeb Web
Eclipse Day at the Googleplex is a half day event for developers to learn about different Eclipse projects and related technologies. You are invited to attend and listen as experts from the Eclipse projects, Google and eBay share their experiences of using Eclipse. It's also a great opportunity for you to meet and network with other Eclipse enthusiasts. There is no cost to attend, but pre-registration is required.

Instantiations Steps Up to Help Agitar Customers with Trade-In Program

Thursday, May 15, 2008 - 11:18 by EclipseWeb Web
Instantiations, Inc., a trusting provider of software quality and productivity solutions for the Eclipse platform, today announced its trade-in program for AgitarOne™ customers in light of Agitar® Software Inc.'s recent withdrawal from the market. In the same category of automated code quality products as AgitarOne, Instantiations CodePro AnalytiX is one of the most popular automated testing and quality improvement software development tools available for Java.

Linux phone maker updates tools

Monday, May 12, 2008 - 12:55 by EclipseWeb Web
Motorola's mobile phone development tools revolve around an Eclipse-based IDE (integrated development environment). Currently available as MotoDev Studio 1.3 for Java ME, the tools will ship in the future with Eclipse-based plugins supporting Webkit and Linux development.

VDC Embedded Systems Bulletin - April 2008 (PDF File)

Monday, May 12, 2008 - 12:50 by EclipseWeb Web
The 2008 Embedded Systems Conference in San Jose marked the event’s 20th anniversary for the conference! As always, we were interested in show attendance and how exhibitors felt about floor traffic and how it met their expectation for quality leads. At best we observed an uneven flow of traffic on the show floor where some booths were crowded and others less so. What’s more important than VDC’s observations are the comments we received from a number of exhibitor meetings at the show.

Open Enterprise Interview: Mike Milinkovich

Wednesday, May 7, 2008 - 11:20 by EclipseWeb Web
A couple of years ago, I described the Eclipse project as open source's best-kept secret, and to some extent that's still true today. Even though most in the free software world have heard of Eclipse, they are probably unaware of just how far it has come from its origins as an integrated development environment for Java.

Today, the list of its projects is extremely impressive; more importantly, it has moved way beyond its initial focus on Java and development tools to address an increasing range of enterprise computing needs.