Eclipse News

OSGI for Beginners

Wednesday, May 7, 2008 - 11:19 by EclipseWeb Web
OSGi has been mentioned quite a bit in the industry lately, with Equinox becoming a top-level project for Eclipse, Felix being used as a container for Sling and Glassfish V3, and Spring-Modules being released. That said, a lot of people who are unfamiliar with OSGi ... are still unfamiliar with it, no matter how much the people who use OSGi regularly know about it.

AccuRev Makes Available Initial Release of its Maven-SCM Plug-in for M2Eclipse

Tuesday, May 6, 2008 - 12:45 by EclipseWeb Web
Coincident with JavaOne 2008, AccuRev Inc. announced the release of its process-centric software configuration management (SCM) plug-in for m2eclipse, the popular Maven plug-in for the Eclipse development environment. Maven is a Java project management and build automation tool used for building and managing any Java-based project to make the day-to-day work of Java developers easier and provide build and project management for any Java-based project.

Skyway Software Announces "Skyway Cup 2008" Developer Contest

Tuesday, May 6, 2008 - 10:55 by EclipseWeb Web
Skyway Software, the experts in simplifying software delivery, announces today the Skyway Cup 2008 (Skyway Cup) developer contest. The Skyway Cup will showcase how Skyway Community members use Skyway Builder Community Edition (CE)

TI's Code Composer Essentials v3 simplifies development and speeds time-to-market for ultra-low power portable applications

Friday, May 2, 2008 - 11:00 by EclipseWeb Web
Spurred by the rapid adoption of its initial Eclipse-based integrated development environment (IDE) for MSP430 microcontrollers (MCU), Texas Instruments Incorporated today announced the release of Code Composer Essentials (CCEssentials) v3. CCEssentials v3 for MSP430 provides major upgrades designed to enhance performance, emulation and ease-of-use, all at a very low cost. Leveraging the design flexibility and interoperability enabled by the Eclipse open source platform, designers can easily integrate plug-ins for a highly customized, interoperable and flexible IDE.

Higgins Project wins Award

Thursday, May 1, 2008 - 11:00 by EclipseWeb Web
Additionally, we have awarded two special prizes for the initiatives we considered groundbreaking. The VRM project lead by Doc Searls is from our point of view a very innovative approach to bring the concept of user-centric identity to customer management. During the VRM Unconference 2008 this topic has been intensively discussed for the first time in Europe. The second special prize goes to open source projects Higgins and Bandit, which we consider the most important open source initiatives in the field of Identity Management.

Eclipse DemoCamps - Ganymede Edition

Monday, April 21, 2008 - 16:48 by EclipseWeb Web
To celebrate the Ganymede release in June, the Eclipse Foundation is inviting individuals to organize and attend Eclipse DemoCamps around the world.

Swordfish: Eclipse's OSGi-based SOA framework

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - 11:08 by EclipseWeb Web
It's a well known fact among those working on SOA projects there is no such thing as "SOA in a box" or a silver bullet for achieving an SOA, so much as it is a combination of software infrastructure, design philosophy, tools and, of course, buy in from the top brass at any organization. It's, in essence, a series of pieces, each of which gets a project closer to its full statement of intent and purpose for building a SOA.

Is There a Place for OSGi in Enterprise Application Development? (Part 2)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - 11:05 by EclipseWeb Web
In part 1, Aslam Khan, technical director of PBT Group, introduced us to OSGi. Today, in the final part, he completes his argument about OSGi's applicability in the enteprise. In part 1, he discussed OSGi's problem domain. There, he explained issues surrounding dynamic class management and how OSGi responds to these issues. In this final part, he tackles the two other problem areas outlined previously: the lack of versioning of Java classes and the lack of modularity in the context of classpath hell. How does OSGi fill these gaps? Finally, how ready is OSGi to be used for real?

Puzzle ITC wird Mitglied der Eclipse Foundation

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - 11:00 by EclipseWeb Web
Seit Anfang April ist der Softwarehersteller Puzzle ITC "Ad-in Provider Member" der Eclipse Foundation. Eclipse ist eine weltweit aktive Open Source Community. Das Eclipse-Projekt wurde ursprünglich 2001 durch IBM ins Leben gerufen. Die Foundation wurde 2004 gegründet als eine unabhängige Non-Profit-Organisation zur Unterstützung der Community. Die Projekte von Eclipse verfolgen den Aufbau einer Software-Entwicklungsplattform und dazugehörigen Werkzeugen auf Open-Source-Basis.

Eclipse Party at JavaOne 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 13:47 by EclipseWeb Web
The Eclipse Foundation is hosting a party for the Eclipse community at JavaOne. If you will be attending the conference, this is your opportunity to connect with other Eclipse fans and to have some fun. The party will happen Wednesday, May 7 from 7:00 pm-10:00 pm at the ThirstyBear Restaurant & Brewery.

Eclipse adds embedded device projects

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 11:55 by EclipseWeb Web
The open-source Eclipse Foundation announced four initiatives that address embedded and mobile device development. The new Device Software Development Project (DSDP) initiatives include a framework for communications among debugging and monitoring devices, and a Texas Instruments (TI)-sponsored project devoted to creating and configuring C/C++ tools for "highly constrained" devices.

Eclipse Expands Open Source Technologies for Embedded and Mobile Developers

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 10:30 by EclipseWeb Web
The Eclipse Foundation today announced new initiatives to develop open source technologies for embedded and mobile developers. The new initiatives, part of the Eclipse Device Software Development Platform (DSDP) Project, make it easier for developers to debug, manage and deploy software on embedded and mobile devices. These new projects build on the continued success the Eclipse community has had in creating open source technology for the embedded and mobile industry.

OMG and Eclipse Announce Program for Second Day of the Symposia On Open Software & Standards

Monday, April 14, 2008 - 13:55 by EclipseWeb Web
The Object Management Group(TM) (OMG(TM)) and the Eclipse Foundation, which are jointly organizing two, one-day Symposia to promote and build on the partnership between Eclipse's open source software and OMG's open standards, are announcing the program for the second day of the event. The second day will be held during the OMG Technical Meeting in Ottawa, Canada on June 25, 2008.

Eclipse promotes innovation networks

Friday, April 11, 2008 - 17:20 by EclipseWeb Web
Formation of innovation networks, in which partners, customers, and even competitors are included as part of an extended research and development team, was promoted by an Eclipse Foundation official Tuesday at the Evans Data Developer Relations Conference in Redwood City, Calif.
Eclipse's status as an open-source organization means that even competitors must participate, said Donald Smith, Eclipse director of ecosystem development. "In the open-source world, I'm also focused on getting competitors to work together," Smith said. Business process also is part of an innovation network.

Tomcat, Eclipse named the most popular in SDTimes study

Friday, April 11, 2008 - 10:50 by EclipseWeb Web
What’s the most popular Java application server? Tomcat. What’s the most popular integrated development environment for writing Java applications? Eclipse.
Those are among the findings of a recent study by BZ Research, like SD Times a division of BZ Media. The seventh annual Java Awareness Study, completed in December, showed very little change year-on-year for enterprise Java developers.

Enterprise Innovation with Open Source

Thursday, April 10, 2008 - 21:00 by EclipseWeb Web
Open source provides a way for CIOs to invest in new system development without coding themselves into a corner. According to Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation, enterprise users of technology are catching on to something the ISVs have known for a while now -- that if you develop in an open source model and other companies adopt what you develop, you have a higher chance of longevity in the code base.

Hello, OSGi, Part 1: Bundles for beginners

Friday, April 4, 2008 - 10:55 by EclipseWeb Web
The Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi) defines an architecture for developing and deploying modular applications and libraries. In this first article in a three-part introduction to OSGi, Sunil Patil gets you started with OSGi development concepts and shows you how to build a simple Hello World application using the Eclipse OSGi container implementation, Equinox. He also touches briefly on building service-oriented applications using OSGi and introduces OSGi's ServiceFactory and ServiceTracker classes.

AccuRev Further Aligns Innovative SCM Architecture with the Eclipse Integration Framework: Provides Developers More Features, Greater Usability and Performance

Thursday, April 3, 2008 - 15:00 by EclipseWeb Web
AccuRev Inc. announced the week of EclipseCon 2008 that customers are taking advantage of the new feature, usability and performance enhancements within its latest AccuBridge for Eclipse(TM) plug-in. AccuRev allows developers to access process-centric software configuration management (SCM) functionality directly within their familiar Eclipse IDE integration platform, enabling more familiar user interface options and increasing productivity.

CodeGear offers JBuilder 2008, which also features support for Struts, JavaServer Faces, and more

Wednesday, April 2, 2008 - 11:05 by EclipseWeb Web
With a release of the JBuilder 2008 IDE for Java development on Tuesday, CodeGear is adding a capability called Application Factories, which enables code reuse and makes it easier to update applications.

Application Factories features a methodology and tools to navigate framework choices, open source, internal code, and deregulated technology standards to determine use and reuse, CodeGear said. Developers can communicate intent, capture instructions and recommendations, and point to resources.

Is There a Place for OSGi in Enterprise Application Development? (Part 1)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008 - 16:20 by EclipseWeb Web
In this two-part article, Aslam Khan, technical director of PBT Group, a software consultancy based in South Africa, introduces you to OSGi and discusses its relevance specifically in the context of the enterprise. What is the exact problem domain of OSGi in this area? In this first part, he uses code snippets to show how the issues surrounding dynamic class management can be tackled. -- Geertjan Wielenga, JavaLobby Zone Leader