Eclipse News

Skyway Software Joins Eclipse Foundation

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 - 11:10 by EclipseWeb Web
Skyway Software, the experts in simplifying software delivery through model-based, collaborative tools and iterative delivery processes, announced today that it has joined the Eclipse Foundation, Inc., the leading open source software development community.

Ganymede M4 packages now available for testing

Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 15:00 by EclipseWeb Web
For those that like to be using the latest and greatest, the Ganymede M4 packages are now available from the Eclipse Packaging Project (EPP) download site.

An Introduction to OSGi on the Server Side

Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 09:25 by EclipseWeb Web
Formed in 1999, the OSGi alliance made its first steps into the Java market within the embedded device segment. Years later it further extended its reach to Java desktop projects, providing a major foundation for the modularity and extensibility of the Eclipse open-source IDE project. Now, as the service's era is dawning, OSGi is stepping into its latest Java frontier: the server side.

eCube Speeds Genuitec's Pulse with Legacy Maintenance Integration Tools

Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 09:20 by EclipseWeb Web
eCube Systems, LLC, a leader in legacy systems evolution, today announced that NXTware - their ground breaking Integrated Maintenance Environment (IME) for Eclipse - is now available via Pulse, Genuitec's rapidly-growing tool for managing and sharing Eclipse profiles.

Embarcadero Releases Free, Professional-Grade Business Process Modeling Tool

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 - 16:45 by EclipseWeb Web
"Embarcadero's release of EA/Studio Community Edition expresses the company's continued endorsement of Eclipse-based software," said Mike Milinkovich, executive director, Eclipse Foundation. "We're pleased to see Embarcadero bring its expertise in commercial database tools to the Eclipse community. This new offering underscores the increased productivity and flexibility that can be achieved by leveraging the Eclipse platform with first-class software like Embarcadero's database tools."

Zend targets enterprise PHP with app server, IDE

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 - 10:05 by EclipseWeb Web
Focusing on the enterprise, PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) tools vendor Zend Technologies is shipping Tuesday version 3.6 of its Zend Platform application server for PHP as well as Zend Studio for Eclipse, an IDE for PHP based on Eclipse open source technology.

Eclipse Swordfish SOA runtime mixes SCA, JBI and OSGi

Thursday, January 17, 2008 - 09:18 by EclipseWeb Web
In the third quarter of this year, Swordfish is scheduled to emerge from incubation as the SOA runtime integrated with Eclipse SOA Tools Project (STP) and the Web Tools Project (WTP), Deutscher said. Swordfish will also make the best use of both JBI and SCA, ending that rivalry, and employ OSGi to replace Java EE and even Spring, he added.

Enterprise OSGi, a Discussion with Eric Newcomer

Monday, January 14, 2008 - 11:40 by EclipseWeb Web
While at the Eclipse Runtime Summit, I had the chance to talk with Iona's Eric Newcomer (CTO of Iona, Co-Chair, Enterprise Expert Group, OSGi Alliance, and well respected enterprise coding guy) about the emergence of OSGi as a server-side, or enterprise technology.

CodeGear JBuilder 2007 Is Named Best Java Integrated Development Environment of the Year by InfoWorld

Friday, January 11, 2008 - 10:00 by EclipseWeb Web
JBuilder 2007 is an IDE built on the open source Eclipse framework, which makes development of Java and Web-based collaborative applications faster and more reliable. JBuilder 2007 combines the advantages of the Eclipse framework with JBuilder's innovative rapid application development (RAD) functionality, ease-of-use and productivity, and collaborative capabilities that help developers and organizations more effectively manage complex projects across locations and teams.

Eclipse Service Oriented Device Architecture (SODA) - Overview and Demo

Wednesday, January 9, 2008 - 12:18 by EclipseWeb Web
In this two part screencast, I talk with Andy Smith about the Eclipse SODA project, part of the Eclipse OHF effort. In the first part, Andy gives us an overview of the device populated network with edge and centralized servers that SODA services. He then explains the Stepstone use-case for in-home medical monitoring devices that serves as an example use of SODA.

Eclipse RAP Overview and Demo Screencast

Wednesday, January 9, 2008 - 12:17 by EclipseWeb Web
In this two part screencast, Jochen Krause and I talk about the Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform, or RAP for short. RAP is a front-end framework that uses the Eclipse RCP programming model to create Ajax front-ends in Java. In the first part, Jochen gives us an overview of RAP and how it fits into the overall Eclipse runtime and then shows a few demos of using RAP in the second part.

Open Java, Open Standards

Friday, January 4, 2008 - 11:54 by EclipseWeb Web
And how can we discuss the year in Java without mentioning the largest and most complex update ever engineered for Eclipse? Version 3.3, code-named Europa, saw more than 2 million downloads between June and the writing of this article in early December. That's certainly the most interest the project has ever gathered around a new release.

Eclipse reeling in Swordfish as SOA framework

Thursday, January 3, 2008 - 16:16 by EclipseWeb Web
Based on technology from German logistics company Deutsche Post, Swordfish features an SOA runtime platform that leverages three popular projects: Service Component Architecture (SCA), Java Business Integration (JBI), and Open Services Gateway initiative (OSGi). SCA provides a common programming model and assembly description format while JBI serves as a common messaging model. OSGi, which is the basis of the Eclipse runtime platform, provides common deployment and runtime component models in Swordfish.

Eclipse & OMG Symposium - Call for Contributions

Wednesday, December 19, 2007 - 12:00 by EclipseWeb Web
Eclipse and OMG are jointly organising two one-day symposia to promote and build on the partnership between Eclipse's open source software and OMG's open standards - one as part of EclipseCon 2008 in Santa Clara, the other during the OMG Technical Meeting in Ottawa. Each symposium will be organised as a series of discussion sessions on corresponding OMG standards and Eclipse projects. In each case the purpose will be to discuss the alignment between current standard and implemented software, and identify areas where the cooperation could be further improved in future.

froglogic Releases Beta 3.3 Of Its Automated GUI Testing Tool Squish

Wednesday, December 19, 2007 - 10:28 by EclipseWeb Web
froglogic GmbH today announced version 3.3 of the leading, cross-platform automated GUI testing tool Squish. Squish supports creating and running automated GUI tests of applications based on many user interface technologies including Trolltech's Qt, Java AWT/Swing/NetBeans, Java SWT/Eclipse RCP, Web/HTML/AJAX and Mac OS X Carbon/Cocoa. Squish is being successfully used in QA departments across the world in companies such as Reuters Financial Software, EADS, Siemens, Synopsys, Xilinx, Trolltech and France Telecom Group.

"MyEclipse Reports" Delivers Enterprise-Ready Solution

Wednesday, December 19, 2007 - 10:25 by EclipseWeb Web
Genuitec, LLC, the leading provider of the popular MyEclipse integrated development environment (IDE) and a founding member of the Eclipse Foundation, today announced the availability of MyEclipse Reports, a professional integration and enhancement of the Eclipse BIRT project. MyEclipse Reports is available on startup to MyEclipse Professional Edition users at no charge via the "Community Essentials" program, and provides an enterprise-ready reporting solution to the MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench.