Eclipse News

Install Eclipse Che on CloudJiffy

Thursday, January 21, 2021 - 10:28 by Brian King

Through the Cloudjiffy web interface, an “Eclipse Che” instance can be automatically deployed in a few clicks.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #55

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 - 10:28 by Jacob Harris
Welcome to the fifty-fifth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Payara Services Joins MicroProfile Working Group

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 - 04:46 by Priya Khaira-Hanks

Payara is pleased to announce that we have joined the MicroProfile Working Group. This builds on our commitment to shaping and improving Enterprise Java for both microservices and monolithic architectures. 

The MicroProfile project was born as a community initiative to optimise Enterprise Java with a microservices standard platform. It joined theEclipse Foundation in 2017, an independent open source software association, with the goal of driving innovation with a vendor-neutral "incubation" environment.

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<span>Payara Services Joins MicroProfile Working Group</span>
 News item.

Welcome to the Eclipse Foundation AISBL

Thursday, January 14, 2021 - 09:40 by Jacob Harris
Today, we’re announcing that the Eclipse Foundation has successfully completed all of the necessary formalities and has formally established the Eclipse Foundation AISBL, an international non-profit association based in Brussels, Belgium.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #54

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - 08:53 by Jacob Harris
Welcome to the fifty-fourth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The Top 5 IoT Sessions from EclipseCon 2020

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - 08:51 by Jacob Harris
EclipseCon 2020 featured sessions on topics ranging from innovative operating systems to autonomous driving to how Edge Computing can learn from the moon landings and everything in between.

Virtual IoT Meetups - Year in Review

Tuesday, December 22, 2020 - 13:08 by Jacob Harris
The Virtual IoT Meetup Group brings together a world-wide network of developers dedicated to discovering and creating new technologies that will make it easier to create IoT applications.

The Edge Gets Smarter: AI Now The Top Workload

Friday, December 18, 2020 - 11:36 by Jacob Harris
Artificial intelligence and machine learning, once mainly seen on the supercomputers of the world, are now prime candidates for deployment at the edge.

The Top 3 Jakarta Tech Talks of 2020

Thursday, December 17, 2020 - 14:46 by Hudson Kelly
With 18 sessions and over 1400 attendees in 2020, the Jakarta Tech Talk series continues to grow in popularity. Check out the top 3 most popular Tech Talks of 2020 in our latest blog post.

Get a jump on Jakarta EE9 with Open Liberty Beta

Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - 14:36 by David Mueller

The Open Liberty team's involvement with Jakarta EE goes back the beginning of the project. We believe in the importance of an open source, vendor-neutral framework for cloud-native enterprise Java™ applications.

Image for 
<span>Get a jump on Jakarta EE9 with Open Liberty Beta</span>
 News item.