Eclipse News

Work on OpenADx Whitepaper started

Friday, February 28, 2020 - 00:00 by Shanda Giacomoni
We started to work on an OpenADx Whitepaper! If you would like to participate and work with us, please let us know! You can contact us via our mailing list: (Please note: you have to subscribe to the mailing list)

Eclipse Foundation Launches Sparkplug Working Group for IoT-Standardization

Saturday, February 8, 2020 - 04:00 by Graeham Hui
At the ARC Advisory Group’s 24th Annual Industry Forum, the Eclipse Foundation announced the launch of the Sparkplug Working Group for IoT-Standardization. The group wants to drive the evolution and broad adoption of the Eclipse Sparkplug Specification that enables the creation of open, interoperable, Industrial IoT solutions utilizing MQTT.

Work on IoT Device Communication Standardization Begins

Thursday, February 6, 2020 - 04:00 by Graeham Hui
Most people working with industrial automation equipment are familiar with OPC UA for machine and device communications. More recently, industry has been getting up to speed with MQTT and its complimentary role for industrial device communications.

Industrial IoT: Eclipse Foundation gründet Sparkplug Working Group

Tuesday, February 4, 2020 - 04:00 by Graeham Hui
Die Sparkplug-Spezifikation der Eclipse Foundation soll die Voraussetzungen schaffen für offene, interoperable IIoT-Anwendungen mit dem Open-Source-Protokoll MQTT. Um die Implementierung von Sparkplug im Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) gezielt voranzutreiben, hat die Open-Source-Organisation nun die Sparkplug Working Group ins Leben gerufen, zu deren Gründungsmitgliedern unter anderen Chevron, Canary Labs, Cirrus Link Solutions, HiveMQ, Inductive Automation und ORing zählen.

The Eclipse Foundation Announces the Sparkplug Working Group

Monday, February 3, 2020 - 04:00 by Graeham Hui
Today at the ARC Advisory Group’s 24th Annual Industry Forum, the Eclipse Foundation announced the launch of the Sparkplug Working Group, which is driving the evolution and broad adoption of the Eclipse Sparkplug Specification that enables the creation of open, interoperable, Industrial IoT (IIoT) solutions utilizing MQTT.

Eclipse Foundation launches Sparkplug Working Group

Monday, February 3, 2020 - 04:00 by Graeham Hui
The Eclipse Foundation has announced it is launching the Sparkplug Working Group. This group will help drive the evolution and adoption of the Eclipse Sparkplug Specification, which enables the creation of open and interoperable IIoT solutions using the messaging protocol MQTT.

Jakarta EE Update Call - February 2020

Monday, February 3, 2020 - 00:00 by Graeham Hui
Join the next Jakarta EE community call on Wednesday, 12 February at 11 a.m. ET! Add the Community Call to your calendar & join the conversation.

Moving Forward With Jakarta EE 9

Monday, January 20, 2020 - 10:45 by Christopher567…
On behalf of the Jakarta EE Working Group, we are excited to announce the unanimous approval of the plan for Jakarta EE 9, with an anticipated mid-2020 release.

Welcome DENSO Corporation to OpenADx!

Friday, January 10, 2020 - 00:00 by Shanda Giacomoni
DENSO Corporation joined the OpenADx working group to work on solutions for autonomous driving. Learn more here about DENSO Corporation …