What's New with Eclipse Cloud DevTools

What's New with
Eclipse Cloud DevTools

Welcome to the October edition of the Eclipse Community Newsletter. In this issue, we're excited to shine a spotlight on the latest developments within the Eclipse Cloud DevTools community. Take a moment to explore the intriguing comparison between Eclipse Theia and Code OSS, dive into the official release of Eclipse Sprotty, and discover how Eclipse Sirius Web is spearheading a revolution in graphical modeling.

Enjoy the read,
Clark Roundy
Director, Product Marketing 


Eclipse Sprotty Is Officially Out of Incubation

Follow along as Miro Spönemann outlines the most relevant aspects of Eclipse Sprotty so far and outlines what you can expect for the future of the project.

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Choosing Eclipse Theia or Code OSS for Custom Tools or IDEs

The EclipseSource team compares Eclipse Theia and Code OSS based on adaptability and flexibility, available features, and governance.

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Revolutionizing Graphical Modeling With Eclipse Sirius Web

Sirius Web is revolutionizing the world of graphical modeling by offering an accessible, modern, and highly customizable technology. Learn more about the project in this article from Mélanie Bats.

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Committer Profile
Thomas Mäder

Get to know Thomas Mäder, a committer on Eclipse Che, Eclipse Theia, Eclipse JDT, and Eclipse JDT LS.

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Community Updates

Discover the Open VSX Registry

Learn more about the Open VSX Registry, a vendor neutral, open source marketplace for VS Code extensions, in our updated white paper. Read More->


Take the State of Open Source Survey

Contribute to this important report that takes a deeper look at the state of open source. 
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Discover Cloud IDE Innovation at TheiaCon

Register for the next TheiaCon and join other Cloud IDE innovators. Read More->


 Join the Jakarta EE Community at JakartaOne 2023

Tune in with the Jakarta EE community and discover the latest updates in cloud native Java, including Jakarta EE 11 news. Read More->


Eclipse Zenoh Selected as the Alternate ROS 2 Middleware

The ROS community has selected Eclipse Zenoh as an alternative middleware to DDS, marking a significant milestone for the project. Read More->


New Projects

Eclipse Tycho™ is a manifest-first way to build Eclipse Platform Plug-ins and /OSGi bundles, Eclipse Platform Features, Eclipse Update Ssites/ and p2 repositories, and Eclipse RCP applications with Maven.
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Eclipse Qrisp is a high-level programming language for working with quantum computers. Qrisp is designed to enable programmers to write complex quantum algorithms with the ease of a modern day programming language, while still compiling down to the circuit level.  Read More ->

Eclipse Epicyro implements Jakarta Authentication, a technology that defines a low-level SPI for authentication mechanisms, which are controllers that interact with a caller and a container’s environment to obtain the caller’s credentials, validate these, and pass an authenticated identity (such as name and groups) to the container.   Read More ->

New Releases

Upcoming Events

RISC-V Summit
November 7-8, 2023

JakartaOne Livestream - Spanish
November 9, 2023

TheiaCon 2023
November 15-16, 2023

AutoTech: Europe
November 15-16, 2023

EdgeTech+ 2023 Automotive
November 15-17, 2023