Software engineering company and Eclipse Contributing Member Yatta has released IDE Intruders, an entertaining open-source mini game that runs in the Eclipse IDE.
The Yatta development team has had a lot of fun putting this game together. You can download IDE Intruders from the Eclipse Marketplace and try it for yourself (…). The game is also open-source — the code is available on GitHub and you're invited to contribute!
The game is not only a fun way to engage with the Eclipse community, but also serves as an interactive demonstration of our Checkout for Eclipse ecommerce solution. More information:
The Checkout for Eclipse helps tool builders and vendors sell software products— right from within the Eclipse IDE. The demo is designed to showcase the seamless purchase experience with Yatta Checkout, all while remaining inside the Eclipse IDE. If you like the experience and want to use the Checkout to monetize and sell your software products, Frederic from Yatta is happy to help.
With the Checkout for Eclipse, companies and members involved in the Eclipse community are taking a big step forward in positioning Eclipse as an open ecosystem. By enabling software vendors to efficiently monetize and sell Eclipse-based products, we hope to help the Eclipse community continuing to thrive and prosper.
About Yatta
The German tech and software engineering company has been contributing to the Eclipse Foundation since 2011. Keen supporters of Eclipse, Yatta want to sustain an open ecosystem; they are a member of the Eclipse IDE working group, project lead of the Eclipse Marketplace Client, and Package Maintainer of the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. Yatta also contributes to various open-source projects, including Eclipse Oomph.
Frederic Ebelshäuser Eclipse Committer & Co-Head of Yatta Checkout
+49 69 2475666-0