Community News

Eclipse Has Lots to Offer to Windows Developers

Thursday, July 12, 2007 - 11:00 by EclipseWeb123 Web
CDT for Windows is an open source distribution of the Eclipse CDT with the MinGW compiler and various open source libraries wrapped up as a complete IDE for Windows development. It includes a Java runtime environment needed to run Eclipse and is packaged up with a real Windows installer making it easy to start building C++ applications for Windows in no time. In a new post on his blog, Doug Schaefer talks about his objective for this distribution and his dissapointment that he can't release something like this from Eclipse itself.

Linux developers considering move to Eclipse

Friday, July 6, 2007 - 12:03 by EclipseWeb123 Web
In the end, Eclipse emerged as a favored IDE solution for the gaps found in other existing developer tools now widely used by the community. As Miller said, "I think the consensus was that Visual Studio-era users want a good IDE, and the only open-source IDE with serious momentum is Eclipse, so we should start looking at making that work well for LSB development."

Eclipse Europa: Eureka!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - 11:12 by EclipseWeb123 Web
Eclipse, in case you've been living in the subsurface ocean of Jupiter's moon Europa for the past five years and missed it, is a vendor-neutral set of open-source frameworks and exemplary tools for software development, a toolset sufficiently rich that Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation (, and Ward Cunningham, the former Eclipse Foundation Director, Committer Community Development, both insist that it is more than an IDE.

Europa and open source software delivery

Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - 11:10 by EclipseWeb123 Web
To start with a bit of background, last week I was granted a briefing about (what was at the time) the upcoming Eclipse Europa release, thanks Ian. Nevertheless, I made a mental note to put together a blog post on what I took from the briefing and publish it sometime after the official release date this week. However, things didn't go according to plan through the remainder of last week and the early part of this week was marred by a re-injuring my lower back (once you hurt it the first time, it's much easier to throw it out of place again) so I wasn't able to get a timely post done.