A Look at Jakarta EE 10 Specifications

Wednesday, March 30, 2022 - 06:00

Community Updates

Committer Profile: Will Dazey

Will tells us about the challenges of working with people who have different types of experience, and why you should never be afraid to email a mailing list.

Second Annual Cloud IDE Day Coming Up

The second annual Cloud IDE Day is coming up April 27-28. The latest edition of the virtual event is focused on tools and best practices for development in the cloud.

Jakarta EE 10 Nearing Release

The Jakarta EE 10 release is inching ever closer. With the Q2 target release date approaching, here’s a progress update and a reminder of the plan.

2022 Jakarta EE Developer Survey Now Open

This year’s survey is focused on the cloud — how you’re planning to build modern enterprise applications, where you think cloud native Java is going, and what you’ll need to get there.

Jakarta EE Reception at Devnexus 2022

With the return to in-person events, we’re happy to announce that Jakarta EE will be hosting a booth and a reception at the upcoming Devnexus 2022 event in April.